Saturday, June 20, 2009

Trip to the Nursery

On Saturday my family and I went to the nursery to stock up on our garden yummyness. In fact I planted my own Zucchini and Tomatoes last weekend and when I checked up on them today I saw green leaves coming out of the dirt... yup they didn't die :)

Sarah was a little thursty....I feel like her babysitter when ever we go out.

The flowers were B-E-A-utiful.

Here's a joke for all of you who have seen the new movie UP... you know the opening commercial with the happy clouds and the storm clouds? Well this flower looks like the one the storm cloud would make ;)

My little TreeHugger

What a goof

Since I'm too whimpy to get my drivers licence, I think I'll just drive a wagon for the rest of my life.

I am like my belt buckle?

The apple and cherry trees, that we bought, were testing Sarah's muscles.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue...bla bla bla bla bla...

I wanted to get the pink sunflower things, but no we were only there to get trees.

The only complaint I had was having to run away from too many bees.

I don't really know what Sarah is doing here, I'll just make up what I think she's thinking.
"Hmmm, Lizzy is the best little sister, I should get her some flowers to thank her."
Okay, here's a little taist of why I think Sarah was meant to have blonde hair. As we drove to the nursery, we had to take a detour on RiverRoad. Sarah said "Wow, they have been working on that road since last year." Dad replys "That's how long it takes to build a bridge." Sarah says "Why are they building a bridge? Are they putting water under it?" I say "Sarah, if they're building a bridge that normaly means there was already water, hence the need for a bridge. Also, we are on RiverRoad, so I'm guessing there has been a river there for some time." Sarah says "Was that a dumb question?" I say "No question is a dumb question. It was just a blonde question, if you know what I mean."

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Hey, tell me what's going on in that head of yours...