Tuesday, December 21, 2010

For a combined mutual activity, we went over to Cornell Estates to chill with the old folk.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I woke up one morning with the image of eating breakfast as a small child in my head. I'm not sure if I dremt about it that night or if the smell of my own breakfast being made downstairs simply awakened it. The image wasnt quite clear, but by the end of that day, I managed to pull my "Four Year Old Lizzy" files out from the deepest corner of my mind. I remembered eating oatmeal with mini eggs inside that turned into Dinasaurs.
Over the course of several months, I willingly offered to go with my mom to buy the groceries. I would search the store shelves, determined to find my dinasure oatmeal. (I went on many grocery trips this past year.)
Have you ever heard the saying "You find what you're looking for when you stop looking for it"? Well, that's exactly what happened to me. I was picking up some milk form Albertson's and right as I turned around my eye caught a long lost friend. My Dino Eggs Oatmeal!!!
I baught a box for myself. ;)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dearest Friend,
You know what Oregon? I think we have a little love-hate-relationship thing goin' on here. We both know, I love walking out of PDX airport (coming home from smoggy Utah) and getting that first whiff of fresh-Oregon-air. I love your many hiking trails, always packed with pure nature. And of course, I love your extreme stereotypes; tree-huggers, dread-head lovers, Birkenstock-obsessors, etc... But you see, Oregon, there is one thing that causes me to glare at you in cold-bitterness. Year after year, do you provide me with snowy Christmases? I think not. I watch the weather channel and find myself wishing, for one moment, that I could live in Utah. The Christmas songs that sing of snowy nights and hotcoccoa, only mock me as I sit cocoa-less and snowman-less. I'm afraid to say this, but the truth is, your lack of snowfall on Christmas mornings is tearing us apart.
I do have to give you some props for your performance this November. Even if you dropped a lousy 1/16th of an inch, it was still fun to laugh at the many Oregonians who hunkered down, locked their doors, and planned for disaster. School was even cancelled!
Here's the thing, Oregon, my new Nephew is coming here for his first Christmas (from Utah), and I'd like him to see snow. You know I love taking out my camera out and snapping a few shots, so I'd also like it if I had a beautiful, white Christmas as a backdrop to some family photos. If you could manage to paint your landscape white this Christmas, I'd really appreciate it.
Most Legit Oregonian Ever to Live, Lizzy
Nevember's snow day:

We Love Our Missionaries!!!