Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm Leaving For Montana...

Hey everybody, I am moving to Montana, by myself, for the summer. I am flying out of Oregon on the 3rd of July. Then on the 4th I will be in Montana and that night they have a huge rodeo with bull riding and fireworks. I remember going to it when I was little. I should me back around late August to early September, unless I go to school there, but I highly doubt I'll choose to do that. I will be living with my Grandma and my Uncle Jeff on his ranch. His ranch is out in the middle of no where....probably 40mins to the nearest small town. He even has horses, but I'm dead scared of horses so I'll stick to watching them from a distance. I still have a scar on my ankle from getting the eggs out of his chicken coop. I am excited to be able to shot a riffle with my uncle. My grandma has dial-up Internet, so I will be able to update my blog and FaceBook once or twice a week. I'm bringing my camera and I'll post pictures of everything adventure I take. I'm most excited for hiking the mountains he has behind his house. I'll be able to wake up at the butt crack of dawn and go for my morning runs. My grandma will probably have me run all the way down to their mail box. (hint hint: I will be at the mail box a lot this summer, what do friends send in the mail?) I plan on making eggs for breakfast everyday...but I will probably get sick of eggs and switch to cereal. I am basically just rambling on and on about everything I plan on doing. Don't be surprised if I come back to Oregon, at the end of August, with cowboy boots, cowboy hat, belt buckle, and maybe even dread locks. Yup I said Dread Locks. I've always wanted Dreads and this is the perfect time to start them...but I doubt I have the patience to start them. Oh well, we'll see what happens. I might even end up reading books...for those of you who know just how much I love to read, reading one book would be a celebration. I will defiantly miss everyone here in my home town. Feel free to call me and I will post the address and number as soon as I can. Well, I don't know what else I can say other than I will be missing everyone of my friends.
Here are a couple pictures from last time I went to Montana...let me add this was a LONG time ago.

This is part of my uncle's back year. My cousin Dusty was teaching all of us how to swing a rope.

This is me and my attempt #1

Attemt #2

Attemt #3...I eventually got it down.
We had DoughBoys that night.

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Hey, tell me what's going on in that head of yours...