Saturday, July 10, 2010

Girl's Camp 2010

It was ridiculously HOTT at camp this year. Me and my gals are cooling off in the stream.
On one of the days we learned how to do "food art".
I got pretty bored of making flowers out of carrots.... so I made a sculpture of ME in a canoe.

The youth leaders had a special night without our girls.
Tree Hugger.... gotta love nature!!!
Waiting for the bus.
Nerd, and proud of it!
I was standing on a bench behind the stage at camp. I got really excited to sing a song, so I ran and jumped off the bench. But was the landing pretty? I think not. I fell into a pile of logs. I began laughing and crying at the same time. I was behind a divider, so the crowd of campers couldn't see what was happening to me. As I lay dying on the ground, the camp nurses ran to my rescue.
All that's left now is a great big scar and a dramatic horror story. The pain was worth it.... good times.