Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Chemo Brain

As you all know my mom had to have Chemotherapy a while ago. when ever she does something weird or not how it is supposed to be done we blame it on the Chemo. We call it "Chemo Brain". I don't know if you would blame this on my mom or the Chemo, but all in all it is pretty funny.

While my family was making our neighbors their Christmas treats I noticed that there were drips of water and soap on the kitchen floor. With my detective mind and skills I determined that the water was leaking from the dishwasher. My dad then opened the dishwasher, as it was going, and there was mounds of soap bubbles everywhere. Mom then said "Where did all that come from?" No one knew, but then I saw it. The empty soap bottle. My mom is a crazy reduce, reuse, and recycle person. Now that we have the big recycling bins she washes every plastic and tin can we use so that she can recycle it. But what she didn't know was that the little bit of soap left over in the soap bottle would create this disaster in the dishwasher. My dad volunteered to clean up the soap bubbles. A detective like myself always has a camera at hand, so I got some pictures of the clean up. Check it out!

1 comment:

Hey, tell me what's going on in that head of yours...