Wednesday, August 12, 2009


While I was in Montana I had been planning out my return to Oregon, and how I would surprise my friends. I had it all planned out when a new and improved plan was brought to my attention. I had remembered my family reunion that we go to every year, in Utah. I wasn't going to miss my chance to surprise Sarah when she least suspected it. I called my mom up and told her my idea. She, secretly, bought me a plain ticket to Salt Lake City, Utah. When I got back from Mt. Rushmore, the week before, I said goodbye to Montana and jumped on my 10 o' clock flight to SLC, Utah. I had to fly to Denver, Colorado to switch plains. It wasn't just a simple, half hour delay. I had to sit in the Denver airport for three hours. Not only did I have to sit for three hours, but I got lost and I was all alone. When I found terminal A50 I took a seat and read my book. Three hours later, I got on my plain and eventually made it to Utah. I stayed at my grandparents before we drove up to Bear Lake. When I got up to my Aunt's cabin on Bear Lake, I started to plan out how I was going to pop out and surprise Sarah. I eventually came to the conclusion that I should be buried in the sand when she arrives. You're probably wondering how I kept all this secret from Sarah. I had just gotten back from a hiking trip with Amber a couple weeks before. I told Sarah that I was going to be up in the Mountain again for that weekend so don't call me. I even let her brag about seeing Melissa and being in Utah while I was supposedly stuck up in Montana. She didn't have a clue what I had in store for her. I knew what time she would be arriving at the cabin, so I dug my hole and waited for the right time to have my cousins bury me. There I was sitting on the couch waiting when, out of nowhere, my dad's car pulls up honking (my mom's way of warning me that they were there.) I flipped out and ran out to the sand. I jumped inside the hole, and my Uncle, Mark, put an inner tube and towel over the hole. I, anxiously, sat in the hole waiting for Sarah to look inside. My cousins told Sarah that they had caught a fish in the lake, put it in the hole, and wanted her to see it. Through a hole a watched her walk over. When she lifted the towel and realized it was me she jumped inside. She flipped out and, as I expected, she hit me for not telling her. I had a great time at the reunion. I got back home last Saturday night. I love being back in Oregon with all my family and friends.

The Love Inn, my aunt's last name is Love hence the name.
Trip to the Lagoon in Utah.
Waitin' in line.
Best ride at Lagoon
The 'Rents
Farris Wheel.
Our traditional Bear Lake Pizza run.
Me kicking B-U-T-T at PacMan.
Gerrrrr. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Just out for a the middle of the road.
My dad gave us a quarter to ride, Yahoo.
I can hold the sun, pretty cool ha?
This is such a random picture, but that's why I love it.
My grandparents are amazing!
My dad got Jet Skis. You can hear me screaming a mile away.
One night there was a wind storm and the tree fell over. I was out side with my cousin next to the tree when it fell over, scary.
Melissa and I hit some golf balls, if you don't know by now I LOVE golfing...I even watch golf on TV with my dad.
Our traditional Friday night shakes at LaBouse cafe.

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Hey, tell me what's going on in that head of yours...