Monday, August 31, 2009

Hagg Lake Trip

My church youth group had our annual Hagg Lake trip this past month. Hagg Lake's water isn't known for its warm waters; therefore, I didn't bring my swimsuit. Like a good little girl, I sat on a rock admiring the lake's beauty, when along came two "friends". When I asked what they were up to they said they wanted to "see how the water was next to me". I got very suspicious when I saw the guilty looks on each of their faces.
I became even more suspicious when two more "friends" came next to me, and one with a camera (ready to capture some terrible event.) I pointed to Jen, one holding the camera, and said "you push me die." I thought to myself that threat should be enough to stop her from pushing me in.
Just as I felt I didn't need to worry about being push in, I realized I should have been worried about being pulled in.
Katie and Missy pulled me in, and surprisingly, the water was warm.
When I was done killing Katie and Missy for pulling me in, we went to find someone else to get wet. A bout full of boys, an easy target for destruction.
We succeeded in getting all the boys out of the bout.

Missy and I decided that we needed a day-at-the-spa.
When I got home that night I was cold and wet. I took advantage of my hot tub and jump in. I'm not sure how excited my dad was to find dirt in the hot tub. I just cant wait for next year's Hagg Lake trip.

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Hey, tell me what's going on in that head of yours...