Monday, August 31, 2009
Hagg Lake Trip
Friday, August 28, 2009
Camping Outback
My friend, Makenzie, made me some hot chocolate, which is the one drink that I am desperately addicted to. I guess I was a little too excited to gulp it down for another cup..... See pic below
Yeah, I was spitting out HOTT chocolate for the first time that night. As I'm telling you this I am also laughing about another incident on a bus ride home from Liberty. All I can say is, Capri-sun, funny conversations, a bus, and myself are not good combinations. Also, now that this incident is brought up I should apologize to Sarah for making her ride home with Capri-sun soaked jeans...oops.
Makenzie and I played chubby-bunnies. I, of course, won the game...Booyeah!
Okay this one is great. Makenzie went to blow out a candle and came back with a wax covered least it wasn't me :]
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Mom's Surgery
Mom was drugged up, as expected. Those pain meds gave her a crazy sense of humor. She was crackin' joke all night long. I'd repeat some of the things she said, but it's a lot funnier coming from a drugged up patient. When she goes in for her next surgery I am definitely having a hidden camera record all the silly stuff she says.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Me and My Books
Week FOUR in Montana
I went to Mt. Rushmore for my last week in Montana. The drive down to South Dakota was too long. It took us two days to get to Rapid City. There's really not much to say about the trip, but seeing the Mountain was pretty cool.
i stayed in Rapid City for a couple nights. On the last day I went to Bear Country USA. Driving through the park was nice...but...they would yell at you if you had your window rolled down. I mean come on, how am I supposed to pet the bears or even get a decent picture through a window? I was feeling like a rebel so I left my window an inch open the whole time. Since no one has invented non-reflective windows, I didn't get any blog worthy pictures of any bears.
On the way back to Montana I stopped at the border. If you ever are at my house ask me to tell you the story behind this has to be done in person, only I know the sound effects needed to tell it.

The day after I got home from South Dakota I rode horses with my Uncle Jeff, and Amber. One thing this picture doesn't show is Jeff holding the reigns of my horse the whole ride. I am still deathly afraid of horses, but I can now get within arms length without screaming.
On Saturday I packed up my bags for THE SURPRISE return....