I have come a long way with Sarah in the past year. We used to fight all the time, and we would hate to be around each other for more than an hour. Ya, it was bad, I mean we didn't hate each other we were just two VERY different people.
However, since I have started going to high school with her we hang out all the time. On the days that we have the same lunch period at school we eat together. At church we sit together and laugh about the most random things you could think of.
It was just very recently that I realized my relationship with my sister is the best it has ever been. I was talking to my English teacher, Ms. Mulvey, and she asked a question that I had never gotten before. She asked me how close I am to Sarah, and for the first time I could say "Very close!"
One thing that I have had a problem with is being able to put my trust in people. Many of my friends have lost my trust completely because of things that they have done. It is hard for me to call anyone my Best Friend, because best friends are the ones that you put all your trust in. I could go on and on about my trust issues, but what I mean by bringing this up is that I have realized just who my best friend is. I am happy to say that my sister, Sarah, is my best friend. and that feels good to say.
New Years Eve Party...Fun! 2008-09
I have no clue how old we are here, but we are dead cute.
Chris & Megan's Brasada Ranch Wedding
9 years ago
That is so awesome! I can tell you are both close. It is my dream that my girls will say that about each other some day. (o: I think it is so great you can say that while you still both have time being home together. Some siblings don't figure that out until later - it seems like a waste. Enjoy this great blessing in your life - and you might not know it, but it is a great blessing to your whole family, especially your parents. Family is the BEST!! Friends come and go, but siblings are forever. It may sound cheesy, but it's true.