I thought yesterday would be just a normal ordinary day, but I was wrong. Thanks to my amazing Young Womens President, "Office" quotes buddy, and friend Jen Preece I have been introduced to Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey. My life is from here on out forever changed. For those of you that have no idea what Deep thoughts are then your missing out on a life time full of laughs. And let me remind you laughing makes you look younger, that's why I look so fabulous! Anyways, I'll share with you my favorite Deep Thought of the day.
HA! I feel so honored Lizzy. I knew I needed to share them with you! I didn't realize how life changing it would be. (o: I guess that's kind of funny that perhaps my biggest contribution to you as YW president is that I introduced you to Deep Thoughts! (o: Not very spiritual, but I think laughing is one of the best things ever invented! (o: You're awesome!