Monday, December 15, 2008

Strawberries on icecream...not gunna happen.

Hey I was looking at my sister Melissa and my Bro in law Brett's blog and I read this
Hi-Lariouse story. I couldn't stop laughing, I just have to share it with you.

Strawberries on icecream...not gunna happen!

So Brett thinks its so weird that I like foods separate rather than mixed together. I love fresh strawberries and I like vanilla icecream, but I don't like strawberries on vanilla icecream. To make him understand a little better I said....Brett, I love you, and I love Jennifer Love Hewitt, but I don't like you ON Jennifer Love Hewitt. I think that cleared things up for him.

1 comment:

Hey, tell me what's going on in that head of yours...