Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Harlem Wizards in Hillsboro

Last Thursday the Harlem Wizards basketball team had a fundraiser game at Liberty High School verse the HSD (Hillsboro School District.) I decided that it would be fun to go and watch my teachers completely humiliate themselves for our benefit. I had a great time. The event was a real success for Liberty, and I plan on going next year as well. I actually, for once, forgot to bring my camera so I did not get any pictures of my own. However, here is a slide show link from the Hillsboro Argus website. You can see my green shirt in the background of one of the pictures, I'm famous now yippy! Enjoy!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday Market

Ever since my the beginning of my Freshman year of high school I have been wanting to go to the Saturday Market. I never knew Downtown Portland had a Saturday Market till my English teacher told me. If you think about it its kind of sad. A person who just moved here from a different state knew about the Saturday Market and I, having lived here my whole life, never had a clue. Yeah, the sayings true, I learn something new everyday.
Anywho, I have been planning the perfect time to take a trip to the Saturday Market for a long time. When Mckinna got home from college, a short while ago, I told her just how much I wanted to go. Right away Mckinna ,being the adventurous person that she is, says "How about we hop on the MAX next Saturday?" Just then I got bubbly eyed and said "Really? We can just get on the MAX and go?, But the MAX is where all the Creepers are." Mckinna says "Oh quit being a baby, we're going next weekend."

All of last week I was looking at the calendar counting down the days till I got to go to the one place I had been dreaming of going to for so long. If you are a friend of mine on FaceBook, you probably would know just how excited I was to go by reading my 'Status Updates'. For example, here are a couple of my 'Status Updates' leading to Saturday..."Lizzy Fotheringham is TOO excited for Saturday....I might just pee my pants :-) To make it even more crazy, awesome I just had pancakes and eggs, booyeah!" "Lizzy Fotheringham tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow is only a day away!!!! Gah, i am tooooo excited for Saturday Market!!!!!" " Lizzy Fotheringham I am going to have the best day ever. To start it off I am going to make some pancakes. Saturday Market "Here I Come!".
As you can see I was very ready to go to the Portland. Okay so here's the fun!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sarah Goes to Prom

David Arrington asked Sarah to go to the prom with him a while ago. Tonight he came a picked her up. she has been running around all day getting her nails, hair, and makeup done. Now that she is gone I can relax....but my parents get to stay up and worry...hahaha kidding! Anyways, I just finished loading the pictures on my computer so you're the first to see. Let me warn you I only only got a couple because they had to catch their limo ride.